Sunday, October 12, 2008


1. Which of the following do NOT correctly describe the format that Jesus uses in writing to the seven congregations: (vs. 1-4)
  • a. He addresses each letter to the pastor
  • b. He includes a title of Himself to underscore His message
  • c. Jesus always condemns before He commends
  • d. Jesus always commends before He condemns
2. The theme of the EPHESIAN letter is that they had left their "_________________.” It might be summarized this way: They were going through the ____________ with many good works, but had lost the _____________ of a love relationship with Jesus Christ. (v.4)

3. To arouse the Ephesians into considering their spiritual state, Jesus told them to “___________________ therefore from where you have fallen.” (v.5)

4. What did Jesus mean when He warned the Ephesians to repent; otherwise, He would remove their "lampstand from its place"? (v.5)
  • a. They would lose their salvation
  • b. They would lose their usefulness as a light bearer of the Gospel
  • c. They would be forced to relocate
  • d. They would lose their financial support
5. True or False. The "Nicolaitans" were most likely sincere Christians that subjected themselves to the authority of the Apostles (v.6)

6. In the closing comments about Ephesus, additional information is given about the format Jesus uses at the conclusion of all seven letters. Which of the following is NOT a correct comment (v.7)
  • a. Each letter always concludes with an exhortation to hear the Spirit
  • b. To hear the Spirit means hearing with the heart so as to be in agreement with God
  • c. Each letter always concludes with a promise to the overcomers
  • d. The word “overcomers” signifies those who overcome all sinful acts
  • e. The word “overcomers” signifies those who, by faith, overcome the world and find victory in the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
7. Because SMYRNA was subjected to heavy persecution for their faith, Jesus—wanting only to encourage and comfort them—presented Himself to them as God the Eternal One, Who has both _______________ death and _________________ over it (v.8)

8. Which best describes what Jesus refers to as “a synagogue of Satan”? (v.8)
  • a. A group of local business men that were in bitter opposition to Christ and His people
  • b. A group of Satan worshippers that were in bitter opposition to Christ and His people
  • c. A group of Jews that were in bitter opposition to Christ and His people
  • d. A group of Roman soldiers that were in bitter opposition to Christ and His people
9. Although the meaning of the "ten day testing" Jesus told Smyrna they would have to endure is uncertain, it might be a reference to the only other ten day test recorded in the Bible. Which prophet endured it? (v.10)
  • a. Ezekiel
  • b. Isaiah
  • c. Daniel
  • d. Jeremiah
10. Which crown did Jesus promise as a reward to those in Smyrna who remained faithful until death? (v.11)
  • a. The crown of Joy
  • b. The crown of Righteousness
  • c. The crown of Life
  • d. The crown of Glory
11. True or False. In His title to Pergamos, "He who has the sharp two-edged sword," Jesus was making it clear to the congregation that—as the Possessor of the Word of God—He has been able to "cut" into the heart of their doctrine, and subsequently has been able to righteously divide truth from untruth. (v.12)

12. In His rebuke of Pergamos, Jesus accused the leadership of holding to "the doctrine of Balaam." What were they doing? (vs. 14-15)
  • a. Allowing insincere members to teach the congregation
  • b. Allowing worldly doctrines to be taught
  • c. Allowing some within the congregation to stumble
  • d. All of the above.
13. True or False. Jesus threatened to fight the entire congregation at Pergamos unless they repented. (v.16)

14. What was it Jesus promised to the overcomers at Pergamos when He said that He would them "a white stone"? (v.17)
  • a. An eternal reward
  • b. Financial security
  • c. A more productive life
  • d. His vote of approval
  • e. None of the above
15. True or False. Thyatira is the only congregation of all the seven churches that is NOT given over to idolatry. (v.18)

16. It’s unclear whether "Jezebel" (the self-proclaimed "prophetess" in Thyatira) was the name of an actual woman, or merely a reference to the ancient Queen of Israel, but because of her Jesus rebuked this congregation's leadership. Why? (v.20)
  • a. They were wrong to allow a woman to prophesy
  • b. They were wrong not to allow her to prophesy
  • c. They were wrong to allow an unbeliever into the Church
  • d. They were wrong to allow her to introduce idols and teach sexual immorality within the congregation
17. What might explain our Lord's warning to Thyatira that they would be cast into "great tribulation"? (v.21)
  • a. The congregation would be destroyed
  • b. Every member in the congregation was morally corrupt
  • c. Jezebel herself would live to see the Great Tribulation
  • d. An ecclesiastical system similar to Thyatira would exist in the last days and therefore be made to endure the Tribulation
18. True or False. Thyatira did consist of SOME faithful members. (v.21)

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